Order of Worship
Sunday, October 1, 2023
Welcome and Announcements
Gathering the Family Together
Psalm 134A Blue Psalter, pg 874
“Come, All You Servants of the Lord”
Call To Worship
Scripture Reading: Psalm 133
1 Behold, how good and pleasant it is
when brothers dwell in unity!2 It is like the precious oil on the head,
running down on the beard,
on the beard of Aaron,
running down on the collar of his robes!3 It is like the dew of Hermon,
which falls on the mountains of Zion!For there the LORD has commanded the blessing,
life forevermore.Prayer of Invocation
Declaring What We Believe
The Nicene Creed
We believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible.
Men & Boys:
And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only Son of God,
begotten from the Father before all ages,
God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God,
begotten, not made; of the same essence as the Father.
Women & Girls
Through him all things were made.
For us and for our salvation he came down from heaven;
he became incarnate by the Holy Spirit and the virgin Mary,
and was made man.
Jubilee Singers
He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate;
he suffered and was buried.
Women & Girls:
The third day he rose again, according to the Scriptures.
He ascended to heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
Men & Boys:
He will come again with glory to judge the living and the dead.
His kingdom will never end.
And we believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life.
He proceeds from the Father and the Son,
and with the Father and the Son is worshiped and glorified.
He spoke through the prophets.
We believe in one holy universal and apostolic church.
We affirm one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.
We look forward to the resurrection of the dead,
and to life in the world to come.
We Respond to God’s Presence
Once in Royal David’s City, When the King Was in Distress
Verse 1 – Jubilee Singers:
Once in royal David’s city, when the king was in distress,
God redeemed his shepherd servant through a covenant to bless:
“I have made this realm your home—yours, and children yet to come.”
Verse 2 – Congregation:
God of trials and perseverance, David’s strength, and Israel’s stay,
Grant the refuge then provided to our troubled lives today.
Help us fashion through your grace hearts to be your dwelling place.
Verse 3 – Jubilee Singers:
Mighty Lord, by prophets promised, come and reign in righteousness.
Let your people shout salvation, justice show, and love confess.
May our songs with joy proclaim boundless blessings in your name.
Verse 4 – Women & Girls:
Always loyal to your children, in your word we rest secure;
gifts beyond our expectations, mercy full, and love so pure;
bread for all whose plates are bare; loaves to break, to feast, to share.
Verse 5 – Congregation:
Faithful to your ancient promise, Lord of present, future, past;
flesh and Spirit, dwell among us, face to face with God at last!
Born to show each child the way to your resurrection day.
Verse 6 – Congregation:
Heir to David’s royal lineage, God of heaven, child of earth;
join us through your Holy Spirit, brothers, sisters in one birth.
Love and light to us come down, by your gleaming star and crown.
Words: Michael Morgan © 2011 Michael Morgan, admin. Faith Alive Christian Resources. Music (IRBY): Henry Gauntlett, 1849, P.D.
Red Hymnal #374 “Rejoice, the Lord is King!
Children’s Sermon Song:
Get On Board, Little Children
The Gospel train’s a-comin,’—I hear it just at hand,
I hear the car wheels rumb-lin’—An’ rollin’ thru the land.
Get on board little children, Get on board little children,
Get on board, little children, There’s room for many-a-more.
Children’s Sermon
Pastoral Prayer
The basket to receive His tithes and our offerings
is located on the left as you leave the Sanctuary.
We Worship Through Hearing
Today’s Message
Sermon Series: Our Pilgrim Journey
“God Desires to Dwell Among His People”
Psalm 132
I. A House for the ______________ (Psalm 132:1-10)
A. The ______________ of the House (vs. 1-5)
B. The _____________ for the House (vs. 6-10)
- Has been ____________ by the People (vs. 6)
- Now ______________ by the Priests (vs. 7-10)
II. A House for _____________ (Psalm 132:11-18)
A. The _______________ (vs. 11-12, 17-18)
- A _______________ Dynasty (vs. 11-12)
- A _______________ Dynasty (vs. 17-18)
B. The ________________ (vs. 13-14)
C. The _________________ (vs. 15-16)
Prayer of Contrition
Sharing of the Elements
We invite to the Lord’s Table all those who are baptized disciples of Jesus Christ and are under the authority of Christ and His body, the Church. By eating the bread and drinking the wine with us as a visitor, you are acknowledging to the elders of this local church that you are in covenant with God and an active member of a congregation in which the gospel is faithfully confessed, taught, and believed. You also acknowledge that you are a sinner, without hope except in the sovereign mercy of God, and that you are trusting in Jesus Christ alone for salvation. If you have any doubt about your participation, please speak to the elders before or after the service.
Declaration of Forgiveness
We Are Sent Forth in Worship
to Share the Gospel
We Are Your Church
God has built His church on one foundation—
Jesus Christ, the Living Cornerstone.
Crucified and risen to redeem us,
We adore and worship Him alone.
We are Your church, Your bride, the people of Your name.
In Your strength we live; we worship, unashamed,
For Your cause we serve; We joyfully proclaim we are Your people;
We are Your church.
Set apart to serve our loving Savior,
given power to share redemption’s plan—
We will tell the world the love of Jesus;
we will preach the cross to every land. (Repeat Refrain)
With a shout, the Bridegroom is returning.
Heaven’s Prince will come to claim His own.
We will rise to reign with Him forever;
We will sing our praise around His throne. (Repeat Refrain)
Words: Cheryle Reid. Music by Jonathan Reid and Ron Hamilton. ©2010 by Majesty Music, Inc. All right reserved. Used by permission.CCLI
Order of Worship
Sunday, October 1, 2023
Welcome and Announcements
Gathering the Family Together
Psalm 134A Blue Psalter, pg 874
“Come, All You Servants of the Lord”
Call To Worship
Scripture Reading: Psalm 133
1 Behold, how good and pleasant it is
when brothers dwell in unity!2 It is like the precious oil on the head,
running down on the beard,
on the beard of Aaron,
running down on the collar of his robes!3 It is like the dew of Hermon,
which falls on the mountains of Zion!For there the LORD has commanded the blessing,
life forevermore.Prayer of Invocation
Declaring What We Believe
The Nicene Creed
We believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible.
Men & Boys:
And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only Son of God,
begotten from the Father before all ages,
God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God,
begotten, not made; of the same essence as the Father.
Women & Girls
Through him all things were made.
For us and for our salvation he came down from heaven;
he became incarnate by the Holy Spirit and the virgin Mary,
and was made man.
Jubilee Singers
He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate;
he suffered and was buried.
Women & Girls:
The third day he rose again, according to the Scriptures.
He ascended to heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
Men & Boys:
He will come again with glory to judge the living and the dead.
His kingdom will never end.
And we believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life.
He proceeds from the Father and the Son,
and with the Father and the Son is worshiped and glorified.
He spoke through the prophets.
We believe in one holy universal and apostolic church.
We affirm one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.
We look forward to the resurrection of the dead,
and to life in the world to come.
We Respond to God’s Presence
Once in Royal David’s City, When the King Was in Distress
Verse 1 – Jubilee Singers:
Once in royal David’s city, when the king was in distress,
God redeemed his shepherd servant through a covenant to bless:
“I have made this realm your home—yours, and children yet to come.”
Verse 2 – Congregation:
God of trials and perseverance, David’s strength, and Israel’s stay,
Grant the refuge then provided to our troubled lives today.
Help us fashion through your grace hearts to be your dwelling place.
Verse 3 – Jubilee Singers:
Mighty Lord, by prophets promised, come and reign in righteousness.
Let your people shout salvation, justice show, and love confess.
May our songs with joy proclaim boundless blessings in your name.
Verse 4 – Women & Girls:
Always loyal to your children, in your word we rest secure;
gifts beyond our expectations, mercy full, and love so pure;
bread for all whose plates are bare; loaves to break, to feast, to share.
Verse 5 – Congregation:
Faithful to your ancient promise, Lord of present, future, past;
flesh and Spirit, dwell among us, face to face with God at last!
Born to show each child the way to your resurrection day.
Verse 6 – Congregation:
Heir to David’s royal lineage, God of heaven, child of earth;
join us through your Holy Spirit, brothers, sisters in one birth.
Love and light to us come down, by your gleaming star and crown.
Words: Michael Morgan © 2011 Michael Morgan, admin. Faith Alive Christian Resources. Music (IRBY): Henry Gauntlett, 1849, P.D.
Red Hymnal #374 “Rejoice, the Lord is King!
Children’s Sermon Song:
Get On Board, Little Children
The Gospel train’s a-comin,’—I hear it just at hand,
I hear the car wheels rumb-lin’—An’ rollin’ thru the land.
Get on board little children, Get on board little children,
Get on board, little children, There’s room for many-a-more.
Children’s Sermon
Pastoral Prayer
The basket to receive His tithes and our offerings
is located on the left as you leave the Sanctuary.
We Worship Through Hearing
Today’s Message
Sermon Series: Our Pilgrim Journey
“God Desires to Dwell Among His People”
Psalm 132
I. A House for the ______________ (Psalm 132:1-10)
A. The ______________ of the House (vs. 1-5)
B. The _____________ for the House (vs. 6-10)
- Has been ____________ by the People (vs. 6)
- Now ______________ by the Priests (vs. 7-10)
II. A House for _____________ (Psalm 132:11-18)
A. The _______________ (vs. 11-12, 17-18)
- A _______________ Dynasty (vs. 11-12)
- A _______________ Dynasty (vs. 17-18)
B. The ________________ (vs. 13-14)
C. The _________________ (vs. 15-16)
Prayer of Contrition
Sharing of the Elements
We invite to the Lord’s Table all those who are baptized disciples of Jesus Christ and are under the authority of Christ and His body, the Church. By eating the bread and drinking the wine with us as a visitor, you are acknowledging to the elders of this local church that you are in covenant with God and an active member of a congregation in which the gospel is faithfully confessed, taught, and believed. You also acknowledge that you are a sinner, without hope except in the sovereign mercy of God, and that you are trusting in Jesus Christ alone for salvation. If you have any doubt about your participation, please speak to the elders before or after the service.
Declaration of Forgiveness
We Are Sent Forth in Worship
to Share the Gospel
We Are Your Church
God has built His church on one foundation—
Jesus Christ, the Living Cornerstone.
Crucified and risen to redeem us,
We adore and worship Him alone.
We are Your church, Your bride, the people of Your name.
In Your strength we live; we worship, unashamed,
For Your cause we serve; We joyfully proclaim we are Your people;
We are Your church.
Set apart to serve our loving Savior,
given power to share redemption’s plan—
We will tell the world the love of Jesus;
we will preach the cross to every land. (Repeat Refrain)
With a shout, the Bridegroom is returning.
Heaven’s Prince will come to claim His own.
We will rise to reign with Him forever;
We will sing our praise around His throne. (Repeat Refrain)
Words: Cheryle Reid. Music by Jonathan Reid and Ron Hamilton. ©2010 by Majesty Music, Inc. All right reserved. Used by permission.CCLI
Bulletin Date: 2023-10-01