August 29, 2021
Psalm 119:49-56
Order of Worship
Sunday, August 29, 2021
Welcome and Announcements
Gathering the Family Together
Psalm 63 B Blue Psalter, pg 389
O God, You Are My God Alone
O God, you are my God alone, whom eagerly I seek,
Though longing fills my soul with thirst and leaves my body weak.
Just like a dry and barren land awaits a freshening shower,
I long within your house to see your glory and your power.
Your faithful love surpasses life, evoking all my praise.
Through every day, I bless your name, my hands in joy I’ll raise.
My deepest needs you satisfy as with a sumptuous feast.
So, on my lips and in my heart, your praise has never ceased.
Throughout the night I lie in bed and call you, Lord, to mind;
In darkest hours I meditate how God, my strength, is kind.
Beneath the shadow of your wing, I live and feel secure;
And daily as I follow close, your right hand keeps me sure.
Words: The Iona Community © 1993 Wild Goose Resource Group, Iona Community, Scotland, GIA Publications, Inc. Music: © Mary Kay Beall 1991 Hope Publishing Company.
Call To Worship
Scripture Reading: I Peter 2:9-10
9 But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.
10 Once you were not a people, but now you are God’s people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.
Prayer of Invocation
Declaring What We Believe:
We Are Your Church
God has built His church on one foundation—
Jesus Christ, the Living Cornerstone.
Crucified and risen to redeem us,
We adore and worship Him alone.
We are Your church, Your bride, the people of Your name.
In Your strength we live; we worship, unashamed,
For Your cause we serve; We joyfully proclaim we are Your people;
We are Your church.
Set apart to serve our loving Savior,
given power to share redemption’s plan—
We will tell the world the love of Jesus;
we will preach the cross to every land. (Repeat Refrain)
With a shout, the Bridegroom is returning.
Heaven’s Prince will come to claim His own.
We will rise to reign with Him forever;
We will sing our praise around His throne. (Repeat Refrain)
Words: Cheryle Reid. Music by Jonathan Reid and Ron Hamilton. ©2010 by Majesty Music, Inc. All right reserved. Used by permission.CCLI
We Respond to God’s Presence
Red Hymnal #608
Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah
- Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah, pilgrim through this barren land;
I am weak, but you are mighty; hold me with Thy powerful hand.
Bread of heaven, bread of heaven,
feed me ‘til I want no more, feed me ‘til I want no more.
- Open now the crystal fountain, whence the healing stream doth flow.
Let the fire and cloudy pillar lead me all my journey through.
Strong Deliverer, strong Deliverer,
Be Thou still my strength and shield,
Be Thou still my strength and shield.
- When I reach the river Jordan, bid my anxious fears subside.
Bear me through the swelling current, land me safe on Canaan’s side.
Songs of praises, songs of praises
I will ever give to Thee. I will ever give to Thee.
Words: William Williams, 1745, P.D. Music (CWM RHONDDA): John Hughes, 1907, P.D.
Sing to the Lord All You Saints of His
(Based on Psalm 30)
I will exalt You, O Lord, for You have lifted me up
And You have saved me from my enemy
That he cannot rejoice over me.
Oh Lord, I cried to Thee and You have healed me.
You brought my soul up from the grave.
You gave me life and shielded me.
Sing to the Lord all you saints of His
And give thanks - Remembering His holiness.
For weeping endures for a night,
But, joy cometh in the morning,
Yes, joy cometh in the morning.
Words and Music by John Illg © 1993 by Maranatha! Music ARR CCLI #172212
Wailing Into Dancing
- You have turned my wailing into dancing.
In place of sackcloth You clothed me with joy.
My heart will sing to You and not be silent.
I will give thanks to you evermore.
Refrain: Sing to the Lord, you saints of His.
Praise His Holy Name. Weeping may last all night,
But in the morning there is joy.
- You have turned my wailing into dancing.
In place of sackcloth You clothed us with joy.
Our heart will sing to You and not be silent.
I will give thanks to you evermore. (Refrain)
©2010 by Richard L. Blank. Used with permission
Then Shall The Virgin Rejoice In The Dance
Then shall the virgin rejoice in the dance,
Both young men and old men together.
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la,
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la.
For I will turn their mourning into joy,
And I will comfort them.
And make them rejoice, rejoice, from their sorrow
And make them rejoice, rejoice, from their sorrow
Words and Music by Merla Watson© 1974 Gordon Thompson Ltd. CCLI #172212
There is a Higher Throne
- There is a higher throne than all this world has known,
Where faithful ones from ev’ry tongue will one day come.
Before the Son we’ll stand, made faultless through the Lamb;
Believing hearts find promised grace; Salvation comes.
Chorus: Hear Heaven’s voices sing; Their thund’rous anthem rings
Through emerald courts and sapphire skies; Their praises rise.
All glory, wisdom, pow’r, strength,
thanks and honour are to God, our King,
Who reigns on high forevermore.
- And there we’ll find our home; Our life before the throne.
We’ll honour Him in perfect song where we belong.
He’ll wipe each tear stained eye as thirst and hunger die.
The Lamb becomes our Shepherd King; We’ll reign with Him.
Repeat Chorus
Copyright © 2002 Thankyou Music/Adm. by songs. excl. UK & Europe, adm. by Kingsway Music. Used by permission. CCLI #172212
Children’s Sermon
Pastoral Prayer
The basket to receive His tithes and our offerings
is located on the left as you leave the Sanctuary.
We Worship Through Hearing
Sermon Hymn:
Psalm 119:49-56 (Zayin)
O LORD, my delight, my delight is in your law.
49 Remember your word to your servant, *
in which you have made me hope.
50 This is my comfort in my distress, *
that your promise gives me life.
O LORD, my delight, my delight is in your law.
51 The arrogant utterly deride me, *
but I do not turn away from your law.
52 When I think of your ordinances from of old, *
I take comfort, O LORD.
O LORD, my delight, my delight is in your law.
53 Hot indignation seizes me because of the wicked; *
those who forsake your law.
54 Your statutes have been my songs, *
wherever I make my home.
O LORD, my delight, my delight is in your law.
55 I remember your name in the night, O LORD, *
and keep your law.
56 This blessing has fallen to me, *
for I have kept your precepts.
O LORD, my delight, my delight is in your law.
Today’s Message
Sermon Series: The ABCs of God’s Word
Just “ZAYIN” It Is God and Us Against the World!
Psalm 119:49-56
I. God ______________ His Word. (Psalm 119:49-50)
A. Making us ______________ (Psalm 119:49)
B. Giving us ______________ (Psalm 119:50a)
C. Reviving our ________________ (Psalm 119:50b)
II. So that in the face of ________________ (Psalm 119:51-53)
A. When the arrogant scorn us (Psalm 119:51-52)
- We will not _____________ (Psalm 119:51)
B. And the wicked care nothing for God’s Word (Psalm 119:53)
- We will _________ it and take ______ (Psalm 119:52)
III. Our ________ will rise to the Lord (Psalm 119:54-56)
A. Reclaiming the day ___________ for Him (Psalm 119:54)
B. Remembering _______ in the night (Psalm 119:55)
C. Retaining the blessing of ___________ (Psalm 119:56)
We Are Sent Forth in Worship
to Share the Gospel
Red Hymnal #528
God of Grace and God of Glory
Verse 1
God of grace and God of glory, On Thy people pour Thy power.
Crown Thine ancient church’s story, Bring her bud to glorious flower.
Grant us wisdom, grant us courage,
For the facing of this hour, For the facing of this hour.
Verse 2
Lo! the hosts of evil ’round us, Scorn Thy Christ, assail His ways.
From the fears that long have bound us,
Free our hearts to faith and praise.
Grant us wisdom, grant us courage,
For the living of these days, For the living of these days.
Verse 3
Cure Thy children’s warring madness, Bend our pride to Thy control.
Shame our wanton selfish gladness, Rich in things and poor in soul.
Grant us wisdom, grant us courage,
Lest we miss Thy kingdom’s goal, Lest we miss Thy kingdom’s goal.
Verse 4
Set our feet on lofty places, Gird our lives that they may be,
Armored with all Christ-like graces, In the fight to set men free.
Grant us wisdom, grant us courage,
That we fail not man nor Thee, That we fail not man nor Thee.
Words: Harry E. Fosdick (1930) P.D. Music (CWM RHONDDA): John Hughes, 1907
Order of Worship
Sunday, August 29, 2021
Welcome and Announcements
Gathering the Family Together
Psalm 63 B Blue Psalter, pg 389
O God, You Are My God Alone
O God, you are my God alone, whom eagerly I seek,
Though longing fills my soul with thirst and leaves my body weak.
Just like a dry and barren land awaits a freshening shower,
I long within your house to see your glory and your power.
Your faithful love surpasses life, evoking all my praise.
Through every day, I bless your name, my hands in joy I’ll raise.
My deepest needs you satisfy as with a sumptuous feast.
So, on my lips and in my heart, your praise has never ceased.
Throughout the night I lie in bed and call you, Lord, to mind;
In darkest hours I meditate how God, my strength, is kind.
Beneath the shadow of your wing, I live and feel secure;
And daily as I follow close, your right hand keeps me sure.
Words: The Iona Community © 1993 Wild Goose Resource Group, Iona Community, Scotland, GIA Publications, Inc. Music: © Mary Kay Beall 1991 Hope Publishing Company.
Call To Worship
Scripture Reading: I Peter 2:9-10
9 But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.
10 Once you were not a people, but now you are God’s people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.
Prayer of Invocation
Declaring What We Believe:
We Are Your Church
God has built His church on one foundation—
Jesus Christ, the Living Cornerstone.
Crucified and risen to redeem us,
We adore and worship Him alone.
We are Your church, Your bride, the people of Your name.
In Your strength we live; we worship, unashamed,
For Your cause we serve; We joyfully proclaim we are Your people;
We are Your church.
Set apart to serve our loving Savior,
given power to share redemption’s plan—
We will tell the world the love of Jesus;
we will preach the cross to every land. (Repeat Refrain)
With a shout, the Bridegroom is returning.
Heaven’s Prince will come to claim His own.
We will rise to reign with Him forever;
We will sing our praise around His throne. (Repeat Refrain)
Words: Cheryle Reid. Music by Jonathan Reid and Ron Hamilton. ©2010 by Majesty Music, Inc. All right reserved. Used by permission.CCLI
We Respond to God’s Presence
Red Hymnal #608
Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah
- Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah, pilgrim through this barren land;
I am weak, but you are mighty; hold me with Thy powerful hand.
Bread of heaven, bread of heaven,
feed me ‘til I want no more, feed me ‘til I want no more.
- Open now the crystal fountain, whence the healing stream doth flow.
Let the fire and cloudy pillar lead me all my journey through.
Strong Deliverer, strong Deliverer,
Be Thou still my strength and shield,
Be Thou still my strength and shield.
- When I reach the river Jordan, bid my anxious fears subside.
Bear me through the swelling current, land me safe on Canaan’s side.
Songs of praises, songs of praises
I will ever give to Thee. I will ever give to Thee.
Words: William Williams, 1745, P.D. Music (CWM RHONDDA): John Hughes, 1907, P.D.
Sing to the Lord All You Saints of His
(Based on Psalm 30)
I will exalt You, O Lord, for You have lifted me up
And You have saved me from my enemy
That he cannot rejoice over me.
Oh Lord, I cried to Thee and You have healed me.
You brought my soul up from the grave.
You gave me life and shielded me.
Sing to the Lord all you saints of His
And give thanks - Remembering His holiness.
For weeping endures for a night,
But, joy cometh in the morning,
Yes, joy cometh in the morning.
Words and Music by John Illg © 1993 by Maranatha! Music ARR CCLI #172212
Wailing Into Dancing
- You have turned my wailing into dancing.
In place of sackcloth You clothed me with joy.
My heart will sing to You and not be silent.
I will give thanks to you evermore.
Refrain: Sing to the Lord, you saints of His.
Praise His Holy Name. Weeping may last all night,
But in the morning there is joy.
- You have turned my wailing into dancing.
In place of sackcloth You clothed us with joy.
Our heart will sing to You and not be silent.
I will give thanks to you evermore. (Refrain)
©2010 by Richard L. Blank. Used with permission
Then Shall The Virgin Rejoice In The Dance
Then shall the virgin rejoice in the dance,
Both young men and old men together.
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la,
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la.
For I will turn their mourning into joy,
And I will comfort them.
And make them rejoice, rejoice, from their sorrow
And make them rejoice, rejoice, from their sorrow
Words and Music by Merla Watson© 1974 Gordon Thompson Ltd. CCLI #172212
There is a Higher Throne
- There is a higher throne than all this world has known,
Where faithful ones from ev’ry tongue will one day come.
Before the Son we’ll stand, made faultless through the Lamb;
Believing hearts find promised grace; Salvation comes.
Chorus: Hear Heaven’s voices sing; Their thund’rous anthem rings
Through emerald courts and sapphire skies; Their praises rise.
All glory, wisdom, pow’r, strength,
thanks and honour are to God, our King,
Who reigns on high forevermore.
- And there we’ll find our home; Our life before the throne.
We’ll honour Him in perfect song where we belong.
He’ll wipe each tear stained eye as thirst and hunger die.
The Lamb becomes our Shepherd King; We’ll reign with Him.
Repeat Chorus
Copyright © 2002 Thankyou Music/Adm. by songs. excl. UK & Europe, adm. by Kingsway Music. Used by permission. CCLI #172212
Children’s Sermon
Pastoral Prayer
The basket to receive His tithes and our offerings
is located on the left as you leave the Sanctuary.
We Worship Through Hearing
Sermon Hymn:
Psalm 119:49-56 (Zayin)
O LORD, my delight, my delight is in your law.
49 Remember your word to your servant, *
in which you have made me hope.
50 This is my comfort in my distress, *
that your promise gives me life.
O LORD, my delight, my delight is in your law.
51 The arrogant utterly deride me, *
but I do not turn away from your law.
52 When I think of your ordinances from of old, *
I take comfort, O LORD.
O LORD, my delight, my delight is in your law.
53 Hot indignation seizes me because of the wicked; *
those who forsake your law.
54 Your statutes have been my songs, *
wherever I make my home.
O LORD, my delight, my delight is in your law.
55 I remember your name in the night, O LORD, *
and keep your law.
56 This blessing has fallen to me, *
for I have kept your precepts.
O LORD, my delight, my delight is in your law.
Today’s Message
Sermon Series: The ABCs of God’s Word
Just “ZAYIN” It Is God and Us Against the World!
Psalm 119:49-56
I. God ______________ His Word. (Psalm 119:49-50)
A. Making us ______________ (Psalm 119:49)
B. Giving us ______________ (Psalm 119:50a)
C. Reviving our ________________ (Psalm 119:50b)
II. So that in the face of ________________ (Psalm 119:51-53)
A. When the arrogant scorn us (Psalm 119:51-52)
- We will not _____________ (Psalm 119:51)
B. And the wicked care nothing for God’s Word (Psalm 119:53)
- We will _________ it and take ______ (Psalm 119:52)
III. Our ________ will rise to the Lord (Psalm 119:54-56)
A. Reclaiming the day ___________ for Him (Psalm 119:54)
B. Remembering _______ in the night (Psalm 119:55)
C. Retaining the blessing of ___________ (Psalm 119:56)
We Are Sent Forth in Worship
to Share the Gospel
Red Hymnal #528
God of Grace and God of Glory
Verse 1
God of grace and God of glory, On Thy people pour Thy power.
Crown Thine ancient church’s story, Bring her bud to glorious flower.
Grant us wisdom, grant us courage,
For the facing of this hour, For the facing of this hour.
Verse 2
Lo! the hosts of evil ’round us, Scorn Thy Christ, assail His ways.
From the fears that long have bound us,
Free our hearts to faith and praise.
Grant us wisdom, grant us courage,
For the living of these days, For the living of these days.
Verse 3
Cure Thy children’s warring madness, Bend our pride to Thy control.
Shame our wanton selfish gladness, Rich in things and poor in soul.
Grant us wisdom, grant us courage,
Lest we miss Thy kingdom’s goal, Lest we miss Thy kingdom’s goal.
Verse 4
Set our feet on lofty places, Gird our lives that they may be,
Armored with all Christ-like graces, In the fight to set men free.
Grant us wisdom, grant us courage,
That we fail not man nor Thee, That we fail not man nor Thee.
Words: Harry E. Fosdick (1930) P.D. Music (CWM RHONDDA): John Hughes, 1907
Bulletin Date: 2021-08-29