Order of Worship
Sunday, August 18, 2024
Welcome and Announcements
Gathering the Family Together
His Banner Over Me Is Love
Verse 1
My beloved is mine and I am His. His banner over me is love.
My beloved is mine and I am His. His banner over me is love.
My beloved is mine and I am His. His banner over me is love.
His banner over me is love.
Verse 2
He brought me to His banqueting table. His banner over me is love.
He brought me to His banqueting table. His banner over me is love.
He brought me to His banqueting table. His banner over me is love.
His banner over me is love.
Verse 3
He’s building us on the sure foundation. His banner over me is love.
He’s building us on the sure foundation. His banner over me is love.
He’s building us on the sure foundation. His banner over me is love.
His banner over me is love.
Verse 4
He fills me with His Holy Spirit. His banner over me is love.
He fills me with His Holy Spirit. His banner over me is love.
He fills me with His Holy Spirit. His banner over me is love.
His banner over me is love.
Call To Worship
Scripture Reading: Song of Solomon 2:10-13
10 My beloved speaks and says to me:
“Arise, my love, my beautiful one,
and come away,11 for behold, the winter is past;
the rain is over and gone.12 The flowers appear on the earth,
the time of singing has come,
and the voice of the turtledove
is heard in our land.13 The fig tree ripens its figs,
and the vines are in blossom;
they give forth fragrance.
Arise, my love, my beautiful one,
and come away.Prayer of Invocation
Declaring What We Believe:
Neither Death Nor Life
Romans 8:38-39
“Neither death nor life, nor angels, nor rulers,
nor trials in the present, nor any trial to come;
neither height nor depth, nor all of creation
can ever separate us from the love of God
poured out in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Words and Music (NEITHER DEATH): from Romans 8:38-39, Marty Haugen (c) 2001 GIA Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Reprinted under OneLicense.net A-725261.
We Respond to God’s Presence
Red Hymnal #547 “The Church’s One Foundation”
Your Hand, O God, Has Guided
- Your hand, O God, has guided Your church from age to age;
The tale of love is written for us on every page.
Our fathers knew Your goodness and we Your works record;
And each of these bear witness; One church, one faith, one Lord.
Refrain: One church, one faith, one Lord of life;
One Father, one Spirit, one Christ.
One church, one faith, one Lord of life;
One Heavenly King, Lord of all.
- Your mercy never fails us, or leaves Your work undone;
With Your right hand to help us, the victory shall be won.
And then, by all creation, Your Name shall be adored;
With earth and Heaven singing: One church, one faith, one Lord.
Repeat Refrain
Copyright © 2001 Thankyou Music/Adm by worshiptogether.com songs excl. UK & Europe. Adm by Kingsway Music. tym@kingsway.co.uk Used by permission
We Are Your Church
God has built His church on one foundation—
Jesus Christ, the Living Cornerstone.
Crucified and risen to redeem us,
We adore and worship Him alone.
We are Your church, Your bride, the people of Your name.
In Your strength we live; we worship, unashamed,
For Your cause we serve; We joyfully proclaim we are Your people;
We are Your church.
Set apart to serve our loving Savior,
given power to share redemption’s plan—
We will tell the world the love of Jesus;
we will preach the cross to every land. (Repeat Refrain)
With a shout, the Bridegroom is returning.
Heaven’s Prince will come to claim His own.
We will rise to reign with Him forever;
We will sing our praise around His throne. (Repeat Refrain)
Words: Cheryle Reid. Music by Jonathan Reid and Ron Hamilton. ©2010 by Majesty Music, Inc. All right reserved. Used by permission.CCLI
Children’s Song:
Rolled Away
Rolled away, rolled away, rolled away,
ev’ry burden of my heart rolled away.
Rolled away rolled away, rolled away,
ev’ry burden of my heart rolled away.
Ev’ry sin had to go ‘neath the crimson flow, hallelujah!
Rolled away, rolled away, rolled away,
ev’ry burden of my heart rolled away!
Children’s Prayer
Pastoral Prayer
The basket to receive His tithes and our offerings
is located on the left as you leave the Sanctuary.
We Worship Through Hearing
Today’s Message
Sermon Series: Route 66 – Redemption Road
“Christ is Our Beloved”
Song of Solomon
I. His Love for Us is Intentionally ___________________
(Song 1:15-2:2; Eph. 1:5-6; I Peter 1:8; I John 4:19;
Romans 5:8; Eph. 5:25-27)
II. His Love for Us is Favorably __________________
(Song 6:8-9; Romans 8:28-39; John 17:23-26)
III. Our Love for Him is to be Powerfully __________________
(Song 8:6-7; Mark 12:30-31; John 14:15; I John 5:3
II John 1:6; I Corin. 8:3; Romans 12:11)
We Are Sent Forth in Worship
to Share the Gospel
Holy God, We Praise Your Name
- Holy God, we praise Your name; Lord of all, we bow before You.
Saints on earth your rule acclaim; all in Heaven above adore You.
Infinite Your vast domain; everlasting is Your reign.
- Hark, the glad celestial hymn angel choirs above are raising;
Cherubim and seraphim, in unceasing chorus praising,
Fill the heavens with sweet accord: “Holy, holy, holy Lord!”
- Lo, the apostolic train joins Your sacred name to hallow;
Prophets swell the glad refrain, and the white robed martyrs follow;
And from morn to set of sun, through the Church the song goes on.
- Holy Father, Holy Son, Holy Spirit, Three we name You,
Though in essence only One; Undivided God, we claim You,
And, adoring, bend the knee while we own the mystery.
Order of Worship
Sunday, August 18, 2024
Welcome and Announcements
Gathering the Family Together
His Banner Over Me Is Love
Verse 1
My beloved is mine and I am His. His banner over me is love.
My beloved is mine and I am His. His banner over me is love.
My beloved is mine and I am His. His banner over me is love.
His banner over me is love.
Verse 2
He brought me to His banqueting table. His banner over me is love.
He brought me to His banqueting table. His banner over me is love.
He brought me to His banqueting table. His banner over me is love.
His banner over me is love.
Verse 3
He’s building us on the sure foundation. His banner over me is love.
He’s building us on the sure foundation. His banner over me is love.
He’s building us on the sure foundation. His banner over me is love.
His banner over me is love.
Verse 4
He fills me with His Holy Spirit. His banner over me is love.
He fills me with His Holy Spirit. His banner over me is love.
He fills me with His Holy Spirit. His banner over me is love.
His banner over me is love.
Call To Worship
Scripture Reading: Song of Solomon 2:10-13
10 My beloved speaks and says to me:
“Arise, my love, my beautiful one,
and come away,11 for behold, the winter is past;
the rain is over and gone.12 The flowers appear on the earth,
the time of singing has come,
and the voice of the turtledove
is heard in our land.13 The fig tree ripens its figs,
and the vines are in blossom;
they give forth fragrance.
Arise, my love, my beautiful one,
and come away.Prayer of Invocation
Declaring What We Believe:
Neither Death Nor Life
Romans 8:38-39
“Neither death nor life, nor angels, nor rulers,
nor trials in the present, nor any trial to come;
neither height nor depth, nor all of creation
can ever separate us from the love of God
poured out in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Words and Music (NEITHER DEATH): from Romans 8:38-39, Marty Haugen (c) 2001 GIA Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Reprinted under OneLicense.net A-725261.
We Respond to God’s Presence
Red Hymnal #547 “The Church’s One Foundation”
Your Hand, O God, Has Guided
- Your hand, O God, has guided Your church from age to age;
The tale of love is written for us on every page.
Our fathers knew Your goodness and we Your works record;
And each of these bear witness; One church, one faith, one Lord.
Refrain: One church, one faith, one Lord of life;
One Father, one Spirit, one Christ.
One church, one faith, one Lord of life;
One Heavenly King, Lord of all.
- Your mercy never fails us, or leaves Your work undone;
With Your right hand to help us, the victory shall be won.
And then, by all creation, Your Name shall be adored;
With earth and Heaven singing: One church, one faith, one Lord.
Repeat Refrain
Copyright © 2001 Thankyou Music/Adm by worshiptogether.com songs excl. UK & Europe. Adm by Kingsway Music. tym@kingsway.co.uk Used by permission
We Are Your Church
God has built His church on one foundation—
Jesus Christ, the Living Cornerstone.
Crucified and risen to redeem us,
We adore and worship Him alone.
We are Your church, Your bride, the people of Your name.
In Your strength we live; we worship, unashamed,
For Your cause we serve; We joyfully proclaim we are Your people;
We are Your church.
Set apart to serve our loving Savior,
given power to share redemption’s plan—
We will tell the world the love of Jesus;
we will preach the cross to every land. (Repeat Refrain)
With a shout, the Bridegroom is returning.
Heaven’s Prince will come to claim His own.
We will rise to reign with Him forever;
We will sing our praise around His throne. (Repeat Refrain)
Words: Cheryle Reid. Music by Jonathan Reid and Ron Hamilton. ©2010 by Majesty Music, Inc. All right reserved. Used by permission.CCLI
Children’s Song:
Rolled Away
Rolled away, rolled away, rolled away,
ev’ry burden of my heart rolled away.
Rolled away rolled away, rolled away,
ev’ry burden of my heart rolled away.
Ev’ry sin had to go ‘neath the crimson flow, hallelujah!
Rolled away, rolled away, rolled away,
ev’ry burden of my heart rolled away!
Children’s Prayer
Pastoral Prayer
The basket to receive His tithes and our offerings
is located on the left as you leave the Sanctuary.
We Worship Through Hearing
Today’s Message
Sermon Series: Route 66 – Redemption Road
“Christ is Our Beloved”
Song of Solomon
I. His Love for Us is Intentionally ___________________
(Song 1:15-2:2; Eph. 1:5-6; I Peter 1:8; I John 4:19;
Romans 5:8; Eph. 5:25-27)
II. His Love for Us is Favorably __________________
(Song 6:8-9; Romans 8:28-39; John 17:23-26)
III. Our Love for Him is to be Powerfully __________________
(Song 8:6-7; Mark 12:30-31; John 14:15; I John 5:3
II John 1:6; I Corin. 8:3; Romans 12:11)
We Are Sent Forth in Worship
to Share the Gospel
Holy God, We Praise Your Name
- Holy God, we praise Your name; Lord of all, we bow before You.
Saints on earth your rule acclaim; all in Heaven above adore You.
Infinite Your vast domain; everlasting is Your reign.
- Hark, the glad celestial hymn angel choirs above are raising;
Cherubim and seraphim, in unceasing chorus praising,
Fill the heavens with sweet accord: “Holy, holy, holy Lord!”
- Lo, the apostolic train joins Your sacred name to hallow;
Prophets swell the glad refrain, and the white robed martyrs follow;
And from morn to set of sun, through the Church the song goes on.
- Holy Father, Holy Son, Holy Spirit, Three we name You,
Though in essence only One; Undivided God, we claim You,
And, adoring, bend the knee while we own the mystery.
Bulletin Date: 2024-08-18