October 29, 2023

  • Order of Worship

    Sunday, October 29, 2023



    Welcome and Announcements


    Gathering the Family Together



    Red Hymnal #118                                  “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God”



    Call To Worship


    Scripture Reading:                                                                    Psalm 46

    1 God is our refuge and strength,
    a very present help in trouble.

    2 Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea,

    3 though its waters roar and foam,
    though the mountains tremble at its swelling.    Selah

    4 There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God,
    the holy habitation of the Most High.

    5 God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved;
    God will help her when morning dawns.

    6 The nations rage, the kingdoms totter;
    he utters his voice, the earth melts.

    7 The Lord of hosts is with us;
    the God of Jacob is our fortress.                       Selah

    8 Come, behold the works of the Lord,
    how he has brought desolations on the earth.

    9 He makes wars cease to the end of the earth;
    he breaks the bow and shatters the spear;
    he burns the chariots with fire.

    10 “Be still, and know that I am God.
    I will be exalted among the nations,
    I will be exalted in the earth!”

    11 The Lord of hosts is with us;
    the God of Jacob is our fortress.                 Selah



    Prayer of Invocation



    Declaring What We Believe


    Because We Believe

    1. We believe in God, the Father, We believe in Christ the Son,

    We believe in the Holy Spirit,

    We are the church and we stand as one.


    Chorus:     Holy, holy, holy is our God;

    Worthy, worthy, worthy is our King.

    All glory and honor are His to receive;

    To Jesus we sing, because we believe.


    1. We believe in the Holy Bible, We believe in the virgin birth,

    We believe in the resurrection,

    That Christ one day will return to earth.


    1. We believe in the blood of Jesus, We believe in eternal life,

    We believe in His blood that frees us, To become the bride of Christ.

    Words and Music by Jamie Harvill & Nancy Gordon © 1996 by Mother's Heart Music and Integrity's Praise Music ARR CCLI #172212


    We Respond to God’s Presence



    Every Promise of Your Word

    From the breaking of the dawn to the setting of the sun,

    I will stand on ev’ry promise of Your Word.

    Words of power, strong to save, that will never pass away,

    I will stand on ev’ry promise of Your Word.

    For Your covenant is sure, And on this I am secure—

    I can stand on ev’ry promise of Your Word.


    When I stumble and I sin, condemnation pressing in,

    I will stand on ev’ry promise of Your Word.

    You are faithful to forgive that in freedom I might live,

    So I stand on ev’ry promise of Your Word.

    Guilt to innocence restored, You remember sins no more—

    So I’ll stand on ev’ry promise of Your Word.


    When I’m faced with anguished choice, I will listen for Your voice,

    And I’ll stand on ev’ry promise of Your Word.

    Through this dark and troubled land You will guide me with Your hand

    As I stand on ev’ry promise of Your Word.

    And You’ve promised to complete, Ev’ry work begun in me—

    So I’ll stand on ev’ry promise of Your Word.


    Hope that lifts me from despair, love that casts out ev’ry fear,

    As I stand on ev’ry promise of Your Word.

    Not forsaken, not alone, for the Comforter has come,

    And I stand on ev’ry promise of Your Word.

    Grace sufficient, grace for me, Grace for all who will believe—

    We will stand on ev’ry promise of Your Word.

    Words & Music by Keith Getty & Stuart Townend. Copyright © 2005 Thank You Music

  • What God Ordains is Always Good

    What God ordains is always good; His will is just and holy.

    As He directs my life for me, I follow meek and lowly.

    My God indeed in every need Knows well how to shield me;

    To Him, then, I will yield me.


    What God ordains is always good. He never will deceive me;

    He leads me in His righteous way, And never will He leave me.

    I take content What He hath sent; His hand that sends me sadness

    Will turn my tears to gladness.


    What God ordains is always good. He is my Friend and Father;

    He will not let me suffer harm, Though many storms may gather.

    Now I may know Both joy and woe, Some day I shall see clearly

    That He has loved me dearly.


    What God ordains is always good. Though I the cup am drinking

    Which savors now of bitterness, I take it without shrinking.

    For after grief God grants relief, My heart with comfort filling

    And all my sorrow stilling.


    What God ordains is always good. This truth remains unshaken.

    Though sorrow, need, or death be mine, I shall not be forsaken.

    I fear no harm, For with His arm He shall embrace and shield me;

    So to my God I yield me.

    Author: Samuel Rodigast, 1675; Composer: Severus Gastorius, 1681



    Children’s Sermon


    Pastoral Prayer

    The basket to receive His tithes and our offerings

    is located on the left as you leave the Sanctuary.


    We Worship Through Hearing


    Sermon Hymn:

    Reformation Hymn

    1. We will trust God’s Word alone, where His perfect will is known;

    Our traditions shift like sand while His Truth forever stands.

    We will live by faith alone, clothed in merit not our own;

    All we claim is Jesus Christ and His finished sacrifice.


    Chorus:      Glory be, glory be to God alone

    Through the church He redeemed and made His own;

    He has freed us, He will keep us till we’re safely home;

    Glory be, glory be to God alone!


    1. We are saved by grace alone, undeserved, yet freely shown;

    No accomplishment on earth can achieve the second birth.

    We will stand on Christ alone, the unyielding Cornerstone;

    Nations rage and devils roar, still He reigns forevermore!


    Chorus:      Glory be, glory be to God alone

    Through the church He redeemed and made His own;

    He has freed us, He will keep us till we’re safely home;

    Glory be, glory be to God alone!


    He has freed us, He will keep us till we’re safely home;

    Glory be, glory be to God alone!

    Words: Chris Anderson. Music: Bob Kauflin. © 2017 Sovereign Grace Praise/BMI (adm by Integrity’s Praise! Music) and Church Works Media/ASCAP. All rights reserved.



    Today’s Message

    Reformation Sunday

    “Sola Scriptura”

    William Tyndale








    We Are Sent Forth in Worship

    to Share the Gospel


    In Christ Alone

    In Christ alone my hope is found,

    He is my light, my strength, my song.

    This Cornerstone, this solid ground

    Firm through the fiercest drought and storm.

    What heights of love, what depths of peace

    When fears are stilled, when strivings cease.

    My Comforter, my All in All,

    Here in the love of Christ I stand.


    In Christ alone, Who took on flesh,

    Fullness of God in helpless babe!

    This Gift of love and righteousness

    Scorned by the ones He came to save.

    Till on that cross as Jesus died

    The wrath of God was satisfied

    For every sin on Him was laid

    Here in the death of Christ I live.


    There in the ground His body lay

    Light of the world by darkness slain.

    Then bursting forth in glorious day

    Up from the grave He rose again.

    And as He stands in victory

    Sin’s curse has lost its grip on me.

    For I am His and He is mine,

    Bought with the precious blood of Christ.


    No guilt in life no fear in death.

    This is the power of Christ in me.

    From life’s first cry to final breath

    Jesus commands my destiny

    No power of Hell, no scheme of man

    Can ever pluck me from His hand.

    ‘Til He returns or calls me home

    Here in the power of Christ I stand.

    by Stuart Townend and Keith Getty  © 2002 Thankyou Music. ARR CCLI # 172212





  • Order of Worship

    Sunday, October 29, 2023



    Welcome and Announcements


    Gathering the Family Together



    Red Hymnal #118                                  “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God”



    Call To Worship


    Scripture Reading:                                                                    Psalm 46

    1 God is our refuge and strength,
    a very present help in trouble.

    2 Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea,

    3 though its waters roar and foam,
    though the mountains tremble at its swelling.    Selah

    4 There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God,
    the holy habitation of the Most High.

    5 God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved;
    God will help her when morning dawns.

    6 The nations rage, the kingdoms totter;
    he utters his voice, the earth melts.

    7 The Lord of hosts is with us;
    the God of Jacob is our fortress.                       Selah

    8 Come, behold the works of the Lord,
    how he has brought desolations on the earth.

    9 He makes wars cease to the end of the earth;
    he breaks the bow and shatters the spear;
    he burns the chariots with fire.

    10 “Be still, and know that I am God.
    I will be exalted among the nations,
    I will be exalted in the earth!”

    11 The Lord of hosts is with us;
    the God of Jacob is our fortress.                 Selah



    Prayer of Invocation



    Declaring What We Believe


    Because We Believe

    1. We believe in God, the Father, We believe in Christ the Son,

    We believe in the Holy Spirit,

    We are the church and we stand as one.


    Chorus:     Holy, holy, holy is our God;

    Worthy, worthy, worthy is our King.

    All glory and honor are His to receive;

    To Jesus we sing, because we believe.


    1. We believe in the Holy Bible, We believe in the virgin birth,

    We believe in the resurrection,

    That Christ one day will return to earth.


    1. We believe in the blood of Jesus, We believe in eternal life,

    We believe in His blood that frees us, To become the bride of Christ.

    Words and Music by Jamie Harvill & Nancy Gordon © 1996 by Mother's Heart Music and Integrity's Praise Music ARR CCLI #172212


    We Respond to God’s Presence



    Every Promise of Your Word

    From the breaking of the dawn to the setting of the sun,

    I will stand on ev’ry promise of Your Word.

    Words of power, strong to save, that will never pass away,

    I will stand on ev’ry promise of Your Word.

    For Your covenant is sure, And on this I am secure—

    I can stand on ev’ry promise of Your Word.


    When I stumble and I sin, condemnation pressing in,

    I will stand on ev’ry promise of Your Word.

    You are faithful to forgive that in freedom I might live,

    So I stand on ev’ry promise of Your Word.

    Guilt to innocence restored, You remember sins no more—

    So I’ll stand on ev’ry promise of Your Word.


    When I’m faced with anguished choice, I will listen for Your voice,

    And I’ll stand on ev’ry promise of Your Word.

    Through this dark and troubled land You will guide me with Your hand

    As I stand on ev’ry promise of Your Word.

    And You’ve promised to complete, Ev’ry work begun in me—

    So I’ll stand on ev’ry promise of Your Word.


    Hope that lifts me from despair, love that casts out ev’ry fear,

    As I stand on ev’ry promise of Your Word.

    Not forsaken, not alone, for the Comforter has come,

    And I stand on ev’ry promise of Your Word.

    Grace sufficient, grace for me, Grace for all who will believe—

    We will stand on ev’ry promise of Your Word.

    Words & Music by Keith Getty & Stuart Townend. Copyright © 2005 Thank You Music

  • What God Ordains is Always Good

    What God ordains is always good; His will is just and holy.

    As He directs my life for me, I follow meek and lowly.

    My God indeed in every need Knows well how to shield me;

    To Him, then, I will yield me.


    What God ordains is always good. He never will deceive me;

    He leads me in His righteous way, And never will He leave me.

    I take content What He hath sent; His hand that sends me sadness

    Will turn my tears to gladness.


    What God ordains is always good. He is my Friend and Father;

    He will not let me suffer harm, Though many storms may gather.

    Now I may know Both joy and woe, Some day I shall see clearly

    That He has loved me dearly.


    What God ordains is always good. Though I the cup am drinking

    Which savors now of bitterness, I take it without shrinking.

    For after grief God grants relief, My heart with comfort filling

    And all my sorrow stilling.


    What God ordains is always good. This truth remains unshaken.

    Though sorrow, need, or death be mine, I shall not be forsaken.

    I fear no harm, For with His arm He shall embrace and shield me;

    So to my God I yield me.

    Author: Samuel Rodigast, 1675; Composer: Severus Gastorius, 1681



    Children’s Sermon


    Pastoral Prayer

    The basket to receive His tithes and our offerings

    is located on the left as you leave the Sanctuary.


    We Worship Through Hearing


    Sermon Hymn:

    Reformation Hymn

    1. We will trust God’s Word alone, where His perfect will is known;

    Our traditions shift like sand while His Truth forever stands.

    We will live by faith alone, clothed in merit not our own;

    All we claim is Jesus Christ and His finished sacrifice.


    Chorus:      Glory be, glory be to God alone

    Through the church He redeemed and made His own;

    He has freed us, He will keep us till we’re safely home;

    Glory be, glory be to God alone!


    1. We are saved by grace alone, undeserved, yet freely shown;

    No accomplishment on earth can achieve the second birth.

    We will stand on Christ alone, the unyielding Cornerstone;

    Nations rage and devils roar, still He reigns forevermore!


    Chorus:      Glory be, glory be to God alone

    Through the church He redeemed and made His own;

    He has freed us, He will keep us till we’re safely home;

    Glory be, glory be to God alone!


    He has freed us, He will keep us till we’re safely home;

    Glory be, glory be to God alone!

    Words: Chris Anderson. Music: Bob Kauflin. © 2017 Sovereign Grace Praise/BMI (adm by Integrity’s Praise! Music) and Church Works Media/ASCAP. All rights reserved.



    Today’s Message

    Reformation Sunday

    “Sola Scriptura”

    William Tyndale








    We Are Sent Forth in Worship

    to Share the Gospel


    In Christ Alone

    In Christ alone my hope is found,

    He is my light, my strength, my song.

    This Cornerstone, this solid ground

    Firm through the fiercest drought and storm.

    What heights of love, what depths of peace

    When fears are stilled, when strivings cease.

    My Comforter, my All in All,

    Here in the love of Christ I stand.


    In Christ alone, Who took on flesh,

    Fullness of God in helpless babe!

    This Gift of love and righteousness

    Scorned by the ones He came to save.

    Till on that cross as Jesus died

    The wrath of God was satisfied

    For every sin on Him was laid

    Here in the death of Christ I live.


    There in the ground His body lay

    Light of the world by darkness slain.

    Then bursting forth in glorious day

    Up from the grave He rose again.

    And as He stands in victory

    Sin’s curse has lost its grip on me.

    For I am His and He is mine,

    Bought with the precious blood of Christ.


    No guilt in life no fear in death.

    This is the power of Christ in me.

    From life’s first cry to final breath

    Jesus commands my destiny

    No power of Hell, no scheme of man

    Can ever pluck me from His hand.

    ‘Til He returns or calls me home

    Here in the power of Christ I stand.

    by Stuart Townend and Keith Getty  © 2002 Thankyou Music. ARR CCLI # 172212






Bulletin Date: 2023-10-29